JAVA Developer

By Tawfik El Yousfi  posted September, 2020

Software development

Java developer since 2006, participating in several projects, in various sectors.

Full Stack level

Analyze : a client's needs and define specifications
Develop : solution as an application with Java and Java EE
Test : applications using continuous integration, unit and functional tests
Manage : source codes with version management software such as Git


Website creation with referencing, business card and some gifts

Creative Idea

Develop new ideas to create the future...

Skills and Knowledge

More detail in the download center document.
Programming Languages
Essentialement in development JAVA


High friendly

Spring - (MVC,core, Boot, Security, Data, WebFlow,...)
Hibernate/JPA, EJB3.0
Maven - Artifactory
Front - JSP, JSF, HTML5, Bootstrap, Jquery
Devops - Azure Microsoft, Ansible
Versionning - GIT, CVS, SVN, ClearCase...


Agile - Have an experience working with Scrum on several projects.
Certified Scrum master since 2012 via  AgileBEE.


Frensh  native
English fluent.

Languages :

* Java Android Mobile

* Objective C

* Java : Swing, Vaadin, J2ME (Midlet).

* Web  : JavaScript, CSS

* Delphi, C,  C++, CWIN32.

Others :

* Linux

* Coaching

Work Experience

Tribe AD: Pool of java developer, manage and maintance all application of Alphacredit, Tribe Wheels: The objective was to creation of several API in springBoot for the Alphacredit Business. Communication btw several API

Technical Environment: Java 8,11, IntelliJ, Spring Boot, Spring Security, SALM2, Swagger, Maven, Jenkins, sonar, Artifactory, Git, SQL (Server Management Studio), Oracle, MobaXTerm, WinSCP, Putty, WebSphere, Hibernate, Miro, Jira

ING Lease

Lease: In team of 4 peoples, the objective was to maintance the main application ING LEASE

Technical Environment: Java 11, Eclipse, Maven, Jenkins, Artifactory, Ansible, Azure Devops, Git, SQL (IBM System I Navigator), Oracle, MobaXTerm, WinSCP, Putty, Messaging Q services, WebSphere, Hibernate, Kafka, SNOW


NASCA: In team of 10 peoples, the objective was to maintance and develop new functionality on the main application NASCA.

Technical Environment: Java 11, IntelliJ, Maven, Junit, Git, Spring, Hibernate, Git, SQL, Struts 2, Jira

03/2020 - 06/2021

Single developer in a team composed of several people in various separate teams, I take care of the development of the projects and the deployment of these using Azure Devops. My tasks are: Develop in java new APIs, setting up servers. Creation Rest APIs Java and Ansible script to deploy automatically on Linux server (cloud).

Technical Environment: Java 8, Eclipse, Maven, Junit, Git, Jenkins, Artifactory, Azure Devops, Ansible, Linux (server IPC configuration),WinSCP, MobaXterm, SNOW

07/2017 - 03/2020

In team of 8 peoples, the objective was to maintance the main application Billing TAR, Analyse and development of several projects. Export project from Dimensions to GIT My tasks are: Write story (technical analysis), develop in java new changes of the project, configure the catalogues of the project and some test in acceptance.

Technical Environment: Java 7, Eclipse, Maven, Dimensions Versionning, Git, SQL (IBM System i Navigator), SNOW

01/2017 - 07/2017

In team of 4 peoples, the objective was to maintance the main application CSI.

Technical Environment: Java 6, Messaging Q services, Hibernate, Eclipse,Dimensions, SQL (IBM System i Navigator).

05/2016 - 12/2016

In team of many peoples, the objective was to maintance the main application JADE2(Eclipse application), participation on under application Indemnity.

Technical Environment: Java 6, Spring , Hibernate, Eclipse RPC , Jetty server, Maven, CVS, Jira, SQL (IBM System-i Navigator).

BNP Paribas Fortis
08/2014 - 04/2016

In team of many peoples, the objective was to maintance the main application PC Banking, participation on divers projects for the platform PCB , PCBB, EBW

Technical Environment: Java 7, BTT, Eclipse, XML, SAOPUI, IBM websphere, maven, svn.

ING Bank

In a team of 13 peoples, the main objective is to create maintain a banking application for managing account of mandators.

Technical Environment:Java, RAD8, Eclipse, MVC, JSP, BTT, Fortify, Dimension, SCRUM.

SP Wallonie
09/2013 - 05/2016

In team of 15 people, the main objective is to create a set of applications related for the service public wallonnie. The applications for declarations of area on the web have interactions between divers projects. The applications EDS operate in a highly distributed system with data replication environment. These applications will be used by the farmers themselves to declare their territorial possessions to get aid from the Wallon government.

Technical Environment: Java 7, maven, svn, jboss, Vaadin, Eclipse, SCRUM, Web services, SAOPUI, liferay, portlet.

01/2013 - 09/2013
Developer Mobile

Selftraining for BuSI, Create some mobile applications for IOS (Objective-C) and Android. Preparation of the differents certifications

Technical Environment: Java for Android Eclipse, Objective-C under mac and xCode.

ING Bank
08/2011 - 01/2013

In team of 8 peoples, the main objective was to create web services to make major changes to the data bank customers.

During the period 08/2011-10/2012 participated in a team of 13 peoples, the main objective is to create maintain a banking application for managing account of mandators.

Technical Environment: Java, RAD8, Eclipse, MVC, JSP, BTT, Fortify, SCRUM, EJB2.1, EJB3.0, JPA, Spring, XML(WSDL, XSD) Webservices, SAOPUI, IBM webshere server MQ, JMS, DB Oracle, Junit, ANT, Dimension (versionning)..

Eulers Hermes
04/2011 - 08/2011

Development of a web application for classifying insurance policies in a hierarchy tree.

Technical Environment: Java, Eclipse, Tomcat, JSF, Spring, Hibernate(JPA/Annotation), MVC, DB2 .

06/2009 - 04/2011
Developer EGL

In teams of two people, the goal is the development of a management system designed to serve the youth assistance of the Ministry of Education.

The first project at Etnic was SIEL between 06/2009 and 04/2010 A team of 4 people, the objective is to develop a system to manage the enrollment of students in a school.

Technical Environment: EGL, RBD, SVN, EGL web Service, MVC, SQL View DB2, Storage Procedure .

Toyota Motor Europe
03/2007 - 04/2009

During period 09/2008 to 04/2009 participated in team of 2 peoples, manage the system of car configurator in the web site Toyota.

Before in project DAO between 02/2008 and 07/2008, in team of 5 peoples, the objective is development of a system to manage the access rights to the applications used throughout the Toyota organization.

During period 09/2007 to 02/2008,in team of 3 peoples, the project to computerize the maintenances of leading vehicles Toyota and Lexus. Maintenance work and new developments on the TesBook project, which tracks every Intervention made on a vehicle after it is delivered to the customer.

The first project at Toyota is Toyota Brand Protection between 03/2007 and 09/2007 in a team of 3 peoples, the main objective is to create and maintain a web application for judges and lawyers, this application allows localized the various garages selling unofficial part of the Toyota brand, avoid the sale of parts against counterfeiting.

Technical Environment: Java, ClearCase, MVC, spring, DB2, sqlJ, RAD, Spring, ClearCase,Java, Spring MVC, Spring WebFlow, Ibatis, Tridion CMS.

GFI Benelux
02/2007 - 03/2007

Being alone for this project, the main objective is to create and maintain a web application for business of GFI to store all company profiles consultants it contains.

Technical Environment: Java, struts,MVC, spring, MySQL, Eclipse exadel.

01/2007 - 02/2007

In a team of 2 peoples, the main objective the maintenance of a project to manage the commands of the uniforms of the security officers.

Technical Environment: Java, hibernate,MVC, spring, struts.

05/2006 - 01/2007

In team of 15 peoples, the main objective of the project is manage the incidents of damaged vehicles belonging to the company Lease plan Belgium and Netherlands.

Technical Environment: Java, struts,MVC, spring, DB2, xml,iSerie AS400, IBM webSphere.

ONG Aquadev
10/2004 - 06/2005

In little team, project to manage the financial transactions to the institutions of micro finances based on the most recent computing technologies. Development of an application of financial management intended for the mobile supports such the PALM or telephone mobile. Analysis general and detailed of the project (UML) Development in Java J2ME

Technical Environment: J2ME, JAVA, UML, Rational Rose, Eclipse 3.0, Palm OS Emulator, J2ME Toolkit 2.2 (WTK22), PRC Converter Tool, Palm Conduit Development Kit.



Java 6 programmer @ Oracle (July 2013)
HTML, CSS3, JavaScript @ Microsoft (May 2013)
Scrum Master @ AgileBee (November 2012).


Site Factory : HTML5, Jquery, Backbone @ BNP Paribas Fortis (March 2015) Branch Transformation Toolkit (BTT)  @ ING Bank ( Augustus 2011)
Enterprise Java Beans 3.0 @ CEFORA with GFI (May 2009)
Rational Business Developer: Enterprise Generation Language @ ETNIC (June 2009)
 Spring and JSF @ GFI (June 2008)
Extensive training in Java: Specialization Java oriented in the technologies XML  @ Technicite (October2005 - April 2006).
Language training in Dutch at house of Dutch (March 2005 – June 2005) Extensive training in Dutch.


Bachelor in Computer Science

Contact me

Don't hesitate 

Ready for offers & cooperation

Phone: +32 (0) 486 79 42 32 


  • 2005  Bachelor in Computer Science

  • 2006 IT consultant employee

    GFI and BuSI give me a great experience in...

  • Certifications and trainings

    lot of cursus followed.

  • 2014 IT consultant Freelance 

    Ready to collabore.

  •  Ready for collaborations

    I would like improve myself in divers project java.